Follow Friday: My Ancestor’s Footsteps

Me on Stuart Avenue

Inspired by finding another generation of our family last month, my cousin Monique and I decided to get babysitters for our girls and head down to our ancestral homes of Ocean Springs, Mississippi and New Orleans.
Driving around the charming town of Ocean Springs, retracing our ancestor’s footsteps, we discovered the places they worshipped, the streets where they lived, and the Mississippi Gulf beaches that they walked on, pristine and apparently unaffected by the recent oil spill. We even stumbled upon the above street, Stuart Avenue.  Could it have been named after my great, great-grandfather, Col. W.R. Stuart?

Tomorrow, we look forward to visiting our ancestors at their final resting places in the cemeteries of New Orleans.


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7 responses to “Follow Friday: My Ancestor’s Footsteps

  1. Dionne…Need more on the trip. Or did I miss it? Hope it was successful.

  2. Francis Howcutt

    Brilliant! One day I will follow the trail you have blazed.

  3. Deborah Dunn

    Dear Dionne…this is so interesting and exciting! Enjoy each enlightening, insightful moment of this exploring-dicovery journey!

    love and a warm hug to you,

  4. I love discovering things like that. Last year, I found a nature preserve in the northern part of the state named after a branch of my family. I haven’t been there yet, but I plan to.
    By the way, I love this photograph. You are adorable!

  5. Deb

    What a gorgeous picture!! Stuart avenue — that rocks! Hope you guys are having an awesome time and can’t wait to hear about everything when you return.

  6. Liz

    Jealous! Have some beignets for me! 🙂

  7. Ann

    Dissapointed you didnt contact me. Aug. 6 was my birthday, That would have been a nice present to have met you guys. Ann

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