Treasure Chest Thursday: My Happy 101 Award

Thanks, Liz for this award!

Now that my daughters are out of school (and it’s 93 degrees!), it really feels like summer.  I’ll be checking in less frequently, but I’ll still be digging up my history between digging in the sand and lying in the sun. Before the relaxation begins, I wanted to acknowledge the Happy 101 Award I was honored with from Liz at My Big Fat Family blog.

Recipients of this award are supposed to name 10 things that make them happy and then pass the award onto others.

My happiness list:

  1. My daughters’ laughter,  distinctive sounds guaranteed to cure depression or anger.
  2. My husband, for too many reasons to list.
  3. The smell of turning leaves on a fall day.
  4. Samba.
  5. Dancing with my friends.
  6. Genealogy bloggers.
  7. My new cousins that I’ve found on this journey.
  8. Museum trips on rainy days.
  9. A good play, book, or movie any day.
  10. Story-telling.

A few of the many genealogy bloggers who also make me happy that I pass this award onto:

Renate at Into the Light, Robyn at Reclaiming Kin, and  Sandra at I Never Knew My Father

Thanks, Liz for the award and comraderie.  Happy summer (number 11) and keep digging up that history!

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One response to “Treasure Chest Thursday: My Happy 101 Award

  1. Congratulations and I agree! 🙂

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